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Helping People Find Their Way

Life can be hard. Fate can make even the strongest of us need or want help to find our way in life. I provide such help. In a compassionate, understanding atmosphere, my goal is to work collaboratively with you. My therapy is conversational, pragmatic, and focused on the problems you want addressed. In general, I use cognitive behavior therapy because it has been proven the most effective treatment for a broad range of psychological and emotional problems. Other therapy styles are blended in with this approach, including interpersonal and psychodynamic approaches, positive psychology and mindfulness techniques. Working with me is about trying to improve your emotional, behavioral and cognitive health in a self-informed, positive, purposeful way.

Regarding precautions for the immunocompromised:  I am fully vaccinated and am happy to wear a mask if asked to. My office is large enough to facilitate social distancing, and hand sanitizer is available.

Meet Dr Brothers

Hi, there. Thank you for exploring my website. I am an experienced doctoral specialist in clinical psychology with a private practice in Fort Worth, Texas. I have been licensed as a psychologist by the state of Texas for almost 30 years (license number 25595), with additional national certification as a Health Service Provider in psycholog (certification number 44503).  I am also approved for the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology through PSYPACT (number 20560) in any of the 42 participating states (see


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